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The books, chapters in books and articles are listed in different sections; please use menu bar above ("Books", "Articles").

  • Modern European philosophy (Renaissance to 20-th century)

  • Arabic Philosophy, as well as history of Muslim Science

  • Russian philosophy (especially: Russian Slavophiles and pan-Slavists, Russian conservative thought, Russian Orthodox theology)

  • Cultural anthropology; general theory of culture; cultural identification and self-indetification

  • Current European populism, Islamophobia and xenophobia


  • 1999-now - Marie Sklodowska Curie University, Lublin, Poland; holder of a habilitated doctor [Dr. habil.] rank in the post of adiunkt professorship

  • 2009-2011 - Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland; senior lecturer (Islamic studies), part-time contract

  • 2009-now - Institute for Islamic Studies (ISNI), Wroclaw, Poland; Member and Chairman of the Institute’s Program Board (voluntary work)

  • 2017-now - Erzincan University, Erzincan, Turkey


  • Dr. habil. Habilitation obtained in 2014 on the basis of the published monograph, entitled Al-Kindi i poczatki filozofii w swiecie islamu [=Al-Kindi and the Beginnings of Islamic Philosophy], 372 pp., as well as on the basis of other research and publications

  • PhD, obtained in 2003 on the basis of the research on the history of Russian philosophy; published monograph entitled: Danilewski. Panslawizm i wielosc cywilizacji [=eng Danilevsky. Pan-Slavism and the Plurality of Cultures]

  • MA, Master of philosophy obtained in 1999 (dissertation on Russian conservative Orthodox 19th-century philosophy, especially on Russian slavophiles)



The titles of some of my lectures and workshops conducted in academia (Marie Sklodowska Curie University, Lublin; Jagiellonian University, Cracow) in recent years:

  • Modern European philosophy (workshops) 

  • Renaissance philosophy (workshops) 

  • Philosophy of Schopenhauer (workshops) 

  • Cartesian and Post-Cartesian philosophy (workshops)

  • Neo-Kantian philosophy (workshops) 

  • Marx and his historical materialism (workshops) 

  • Eighteenth-century philosophical anthropology (workshops) 

  • Cultural anthropology (lectures and workshops)

  • Introduction to Islamic studies (lectures)

  • Muslim cultures (lectures and workshops) 

  • Arabic/Islamic philosophy (lectures and workshops) 

  • Falsafa, or Arabic aristotelianism (lectures) 

  • Arabic philosophy - the origins, the ideas, the continuity (lectures) 

  • The Arab world - culture, philosophy, science (lectures) 

  • Russia and Europe in Russian thought (lectures) 

The titles of invited lectures (recent years, selection):

  • European turn towards populism

  • The history of Arabic/Islamic science in outline

  • Islamic civilization in the first centuries


Invites lectures were delivered at the universities in Poland and in museums.

You may find two videos of my selected invited lectures (Sopot Museum, in Polish) in section "PO POLSKU" (menu bar above).



Experience in popularizing the knowledge and the results of own research outside academia; I was often invited to Islamic centers in Poland to give a lecture or a series of lectures, which probably proves my competence with respect to the study of Islam. I also published not only in academic journals, but also in papers and magazines aiming to popularize knowledge outside the academic circles. I am the editor (and a co-founder) of magazine "As-Salam", popularizing the knowledge of Arab/Muslim world. I am also a member of the Chief Council (and a co-founder) of the Institute for the Islamic Studies (ISNI), in Wroclaw, Poland. I also participated in television (local TV) and radio programs, discussing the issues from own area of specialization. I was also a co-organizer of the Lublin Science Festival 2015 (large annual event promoting science and higher education, organized by some state universities), representing own Faculty.



  • Polish Philosophical Association

  • Institute for Islamic Studies, Poland

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